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Cultural Therapy

Cultural Therapy Defined:

Cultural Therapy is the practice of using 'Healthy Culture' to maintain, repair, restore and engender Cultural Health and Well-being on behalf of groups and individuals. Cultural Therapy is the practice of treating Cultural Pathology.

Cultural Therapy asserts 'healthy-culture' as a nurturing incubator that engenders, develops and supports its members to thrive within its environment; protects its members against external threats (cultures, environments); and shields its members enabling them to traverse within alien cultures/environments without lost of self (identity).

Cultural Therapy asserts that all life emanates from and dwells in culture; that our human cultural relationship to creation is like that of moving from the center of a concentric circle into broader and broader culture (and concomitant identities), and in other ways just the reverse, moving from the broadest of the concentric circle towards the center.

Cultural Therapy as a philosophy - is the understanding that our health and wellness stems from groups to which we belong and from whence we draw our sense of identity and normalcy. Cultural Therapy contends that a healthy group engenders healthy beings; and that through the 'therapy of group' pathologies and traumas can be addressed.

Cultural Therapy contends that 'cultural sovereignty', 'cultural autonomy' and 'cultural integrity' are essential and indicative of 'Cultural Health and Well-being'; that Cultural Therapy is an agent of use on behalf of Cultural Health and Well-being in opposition to 'Cultural Alienation', 'Cultural Clash and Conflict', 'Cultural Imposition', 'Cultural Exploitation', 'Cultural Tyranny' and other culturally-engendered pathologies.

The goal and objectives of Cultural Therapy is as a therapy that can be used towards resolving cultural trauma and pathologies and towards maintaining cultural health.

CTI's training and workshops define the scope, structure and methodology for the use of Cultural Therapy.

Training / Offerings and Schedule

Cultural Therapy Therapist Training

The Cultural Therapy Therapist Training provides comprehensive training in the Cultural Therapy Course for the therapist/practitioner. Cultural Therapy Therapist Training is a course for the practitioner. The training provides a comprehensive investigation into the understanding and use of Cultural Therapy as an effective tool in the maintenance and restoration of 'Cultural Health' and in the negation of Cultural Pathology and its resultant/concomitant pathologies. The training equips the therapist/practitioner with competency (knowledge, understanding and methodology) to apply Cultural Therapy to groups and individuals.

Cultural Therapy Therapist Training

Offered on-site as a 3-day course (including 12-hrs of presentation and 4-6 hours role-play/therapy sessions). The Course presentation includes lectures, Power-Point presentation, video-presentation, role-play, handouts, and an annotated bibliography Cost: $1500.00

Training Graduates are sanctioned to treat using the Cultural Therapy Institute Model, including providing CTI sanctioned workshops.

Cultural Therapy Course

Cultural Therapy Course (Outline Synopsis)

The Cultural Therapy Course looks at three critical areas towards understanding and applying Cultural Therapy:

  • 1. Cultural Therapy Defined - looks at varying theories of Cultural Therapy towards lo-cating a genesis, definition, theory and methodology that is applicable towards achieving Cultural Health
  • 2. Cultural Pathology - looks at the various manifestations of Cultural Pathology and its impacts in rendering 'Cultural Illness' - i.e. symptoms of cultural pathology
  • 3. Cultural Therapy to Cultural Health - looks at Cultural Therapy at work in creating 'Cultural Health' while negating, reducing and eliminating Cultural Pathology; and at conditions of Cultural Health as a state and as a goal.

The Cultural Therapy Course prepares the therapist/practitioner to address both externally in-duced 'cultural-pathology' - for example, such as self (race) hatred stemming from externally imposed racism; and internal 'cultural-pathology' - e.g. zenophobia as is largely prevalent in White Culture. The Cultural Therapy Course prepares the therapist/practitioner to address both individual and societal cultural illnesses.

Workshop Offerings and Schedule:

Cultural Therapy Workshop - Inform and Empower

The Cultural Therapy Workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the Cultural Therapy Course for the participant with the primary objective of providing information and causing / exciting / igniting empowerment. This workshop is geared for those individuals and groups in need of Cultural Therapy - victims and perpetrators.

Cultural Therapy Workshop - Inform and Empower

The Cultural Therapy Workshop (on-line) is six hours in length provided on one-day The Workshop presentation includes lectures, Power-Point presentation, video-presentation, role-play, handouts, and an annotated bibliography Cost: $300.00 per-person (group rates offered)

The Cultural Therapy Workshop (on-site) is six hours in length provided on one-day The Workshop presentation includes lectures, Power-Point presentation, video-presentation, role-play, handouts, and an extensive annotated bibliography Cost: $300.00 per-person (group rates offered)

Workshop Graduates are certified as having completed the Cultural Therapy Workshop

Registration and scheduling is made direct with the instructor - Seba, Heru-Ka Anu (phone: 443-453-3010), with payment being made to African American Media, LLC

Heru-Ka Anu is the founder and director of Cultural Therapy Institute (CTI). Anu is an independent researcher, teacher and leader with an extensive background in community cultural and political activism, youth and family counseling, teaching and advocacy.

CTI adheres to the Cultural Health paradigm that proclaims the importance of Cultural Sovereignty and Independence, self-assertion, self-certification, and authentication.

Information - Phone: 443-453-3010 | Email

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